What Does A True Love Do In Your Life?
Join my journey of becoming the woman God called me to be
Love shouldn’t run away when the going gets tough, love shouldn’t confuse you, and love shouldn’t hurt you but heal you. Love shouldn’t condemn you but protect you. It should defend you and encourage tenderness. Love stir up a fire that it doesn’t put out!
Love shouldn’t make you feel that you are not enough, that you are worthless, that you are useless.
Love shouldn’t be a frustration-filled game where you feel like an object of contempt. Love is not a power struggle. Love is trust!
Love brings security, not fear. Love is knowing that someone cares about you, it is the knowledge that you are appreciated, valued, and chosen every day by the same person. Love should be a safe place, not a place of insecurity.
Love shouldn’t run and abandon you when life’s difficulties weigh heavily in the air. Love is stronger than anything you can know, it has the ability to endure, it has the foundations to win since love does not give up. Love does not take the easy way but it always fights!
Love should never use your flaws to have something to throw in your face. Love should encourage you and inspire you to do exactly what you always wanted to be!
Love should be an anchor of peace in your life, love should take care of you, it should challenge you, it should teach you, it should stay by your side, it should hold your hand while you grow up, and it should always leave you better than it found you.